It is well known that populations around the world - and in Pacific Asia in particular - are ageing, and ageing rapidly. China is no exception to this. While it has been widely agreed that gender is an important lens through which to define and develop appropriate policies for both adaptation and mitigation of the challenges of ageing, gender is rarely explicitly taken into consideration as a vector of consideration. In this paper, we demonstrate for the case of China how when viewing this intersection through a regional lens, the extent to which old age is ‘feminised’ differs sharply across the country. Taken together, this shows the importance of considering gender both in old-age, as well as inequalities across the life course, in the formulation and development of policies relating to ageing at both the national and the regional level. This is especially important in a country such as China, where provinces and other local governments yield important policymaking powers in certain key areas relevant to ageing.
É bem conhecido que as populações em todo o mundo - e na Ásia do Pacífico em particular - estão envelhecendo e envelhecendo rapidamente. A China não é exceção para isso. Embora tenha sido amplamente aceito que o gênero é uma lente importante para definir e desenvolver políticas apropriadas tanto para a adaptação quanto para a mitigação dos desafios do envelhecimento, o gênero raramente é explicitamente considerado como um vetor de consideração. Neste artigo, demonstramos, para o caso da China, como, ao visualizar essa interseção por meio de uma lente regional, a extensão em que a velhice é "feminizada" difere acentuadamente em todo o país. Em conjunto, isso mostra a importância de se considerar o gênero tanto na velhice quanto nas desigualdades ao longo da vida, na formulação e no desenvolvimento de políticas relativas ao envelhecimento, tanto no nível nacional quanto no regional. Isso é especialmente importante em um país como a China, onde as províncias e outros governos locais geram importantes poderes de formulação de políticas em certas áreas-chave relevantes para o envelhecimento.
Datos bibliográficos
Título traducido: | : o caso da China |
Título de la revista: | Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development |
Primer autor: | Yi-Min Lin |
Otros autores: | Stuart Gietel-Basten |
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Palabras clave traducidas: | |
Idioma: | Inglés |
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Tipo de recurso: | Documento de revista |
Fuente: | Brazilian Journal of Policy and Development; Vol 1, No 1 (Año 2019). |
DOI: | |
Entidad editora: | Wissen Editora |
Derechos de uso: | Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd) |
Áreas de conocimiento / Materias: | Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Administración Pública Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Humanidades Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Educación, Disciplinas Científicas |
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Lin, Jing. 2017. “Social Security under Decentralized Authoritarianism: Politics of The Public Pension Program in China.” PhD, University of Syracuse. Li, Kanglan, Shouchao Wei, Zhou Liu, Li Hu, Jiajing Lin, Shiting Tan, Yingren Mai, et al. 2018. “The Prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease in China: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis.” Iranian Journal of Public Health 47 (11): 1615–26. Melton, L. J., A. W. Lane, C. Cooper, R. Eastell, W. M. O’Fallon, and B. L. Riggs. 1993. “Prevalence and Incidence of Vertebral Deformities.” Osteoporosis International: A Journal Established as Result of Cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA 3 (3): 113–19. Smits, Jeroen, and In?aki Permanyer. 2019. “The Subnational Human Development Database.” Scientific Data 6 (March): 190038. Song, Yan, and Ying Bian. 2014. “Gender Differences in the Use of Health Care in China: Cross-Sectional Analysis.” International Journal for Equity in Health 13 (January): 8. Steels, Stephanie. 2015. “Key Characteristics of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities: A Review.” Cities 47 (September): 45–52. Yu, M. Y., and R. Sarri. 1997. “Women’s Health Status and Gender Inequality in China.” Social Science & Medicine 45 (12): 1885–98. Yi, Zeng. 2008. “Reliability of Age Reporting Among the Chinese Oldest-Old in the CLHLS Datasets.” In Healthy Longevity in China: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Psychological Dimensions, edited by Zeng Yi, Dudley L. Poston, Denese Ashbaugh Vlosky, and DananGu, 61–78. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. Xu, Jie, Zheng Wu, Christoph M. Schimmele, and Shuzhuo Li. 2019. “Widowhood and Depression: A Longitudinal Study of Older Persons in Rural China.” Aging & Mental Health, February, 1–9. 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Du, Hui, Shun-Le Chen, Chun-De Bao, Xiao-Dong Wang, Yu Lu, Yue-Ying Gu, Jian-Rong Xu, et al. 2005. “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Knee Osteoarthritis in Huang-Pu District, Shanghai, China.” Rheumatology International 25 (8): 585–90. Corsi, Marcella, and L. Samek. 2011. “Active Ageing and Gender Equality Policies.” EGGSI Repor T for the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities, Brussels. Active-Ageing-+-Gender-Report-2010.pdf. Chan, Chak Kwan. 2003. “Protecting the Ageing Poor or Strengthening the Market Economy: The Case of the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund.” International Journal of Social Welfare 12 (2): 123–31. Cai, Yong, and Yuan Cheng. 2014. “Pension Reform in China: Challenges and Opportunities.” Journal of Economic Surveys 28 (4): 636–51. Cai, Yong. 2013. “China’s New Demographic Reality: Learning from the 2010 Census.” Population and Development Review 39 (3): 371–96. 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Gietel-Basten, Stuart, Vladimir Mau, Warren Sanderson, Sergei Scherbov, and Sergey Shulgin. 2019. “Ageing in Russia: A Regional Appraisal.” Journal of Population Ageing EarlyView: 1–18. Gietel-Basten, Stuart. 2017. “Family Planning and Fertility Transition in China.” In Handbook on the Family and Marriage in China, edited by Xiaowei Zang and Lucy X. Zhao, 187–203. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Ghislandi, Simone, Warren C. Sanderson, and Sergei Scherbov. 2019. “A Simple Measure of Human Development: The Human Life Indicator.” Population and Development Review 45(1): 219–33. Fitzgerald, Kelly G., and Francis G. Caro. 2014. “An Overview of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities around the World.” Journal of Aging & Social Policy 26 (1-2): 1–18. Zhan, Heying Jenny, and Rhonda J. V. Montgomery. 2003. “Gender And Elder Care In China: The Influence of Filial Piety and Structural Constraints.” Gender & Society: Official Publication of Sociologists for Women in Society 17 (2): 209–29. |