Professional development of teachers: an issue to adress in the educational centre

Professional development of teachers: an issue to adress in the educational centre

This article is located in the framework of the doctoral thesis Potentiation of the professional development of teachers of primary and high school in the educational center, and corresponds to the first chapter of the mentioned thesis. It has been developed considering the international trend of th...

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Translated title: El desarrollo de los profesores: un asunto por abordar en el centro educativo
Journal Title: Sofia - sophia
Author: Martha Liliana Marín Cano
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Language: English
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Sofia - sophia; Vol 10, No 1 (Year 2014).
Publisher: Universidad La Gran Colombia
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Education --AMP-- Educational Research
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Abstract: This article is located in the framework of the doctoral thesis Potentiation of the professional development of teachers of primary and high school in the educational center, and corresponds to the first chapter of the mentioned thesis. It has been developed considering the international trend of the last decade in the field of professional development of teachers, in this direction, theoretical, conceptual and methodological contributions form research groups and researchers stand out and help building sense horizons to understand the development of teachers in diversity and particularity of the educational centers. Equally, through a heuristic process, the common concerns of researches, emergencies and needs of teachers towards continuous learning and its link with the educational or pedagogical practice are unveiled. The methodology followed in doing the article consisted mainly of the bibliographic revision of the field of study, analysis of works of reference and, abstraction and comparison of their main thesis. In the same way, there were files and charts made to allow categories to be identified.  
Translated abstract: El presente artículo se sitúa en el marco de la tesis doctoral Potenciación del desarrollo profesional de los profesores de educación básica ymedia en el centro educativo y corresponde al capítulo uno de la misma. Este ha sido desarrollado considerando la tendencia internacionalde la última década en el ámbito del desarrollo profesional de los profesores. En esta dirección se destacan aportes teóricos, conceptuales ymetodológicos de grupos de investigación e investigadores que contribuyen a construir horizontes de sentido para comprender el desarrollodel profesorado en la diversidad y en la particularidad de los centros educativos. Asimismo a través de un proceso heurístico se develalas preocupaciones comunes de los investigadores, las emergencias y las necesidades del profesorado frente a la formación continua yla vinculación que posee esta con la práctica educativa o pedagógica. La metodología seguida para la realización del artículo, consistióprincipalmente en la revisión bibliográfica del campo de estudio, el análisis de las obras de referencia y la extracción y comparación de sustesis principales. De igual forma se elaboraron fichas y matrices que permitieran la identificación de las categorías.Â