Fragmented writing. The archivist friars in Novohispanic evangelization 

Fragmented writing. The archivist friars in Novohispanic evangelization 

Every approach to Latin American colonial literature is an effort to put together pieces, to gather the scattered fragments and to dig deep into the archives of memory. In this sense, the writings of the missionary friarsof the beginning of Novohispanic evangelization gather voices which come from d...

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Translated title: Escritura en retazos. Los frailes archivistas de la evangelización novohispana
Journal Title: Telar
Author: María Inés Aldao
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Language: Undetermined
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Telar; No 22 (Year 2019).
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - CompartirIgual (by-nc-sa)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Literature
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Literary Reviews
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Literary Theory --AMP-- Criticism
Abstract: Every approach to Latin American colonial literature is an effort to put together pieces, to gather the scattered fragments and to dig deep into the archives of memory. In this sense, the writings of the missionary friarsof the beginning of Novohispanic evangelization gather voices which come from different traditions and show hard work regarding the search for oral and written information which has influence on their chronicles, the real archives of other discourses of the period. In this work, I analyze the insertion of sources in the stories of franciscan friarsToribio de Benavente Motolinía and Gerónimo de Mendieta. These travelling friars, missionaries and historians, in an effort to put together the dispersion caused by theconquest and its chaos, become archivist friars during and as a consequence of their missionary work.
Translated abstract: Toda aproximación a la literatura latinoamericana colonial es un intento por aunar la dispersión, por reunir los fragmentos diseminados, por ahondar en los archivos de la memoria. En este sentido, la escritura de los frailes misioneros del inicio de la evangelización novohispana recoge voces provenientes de distintas tradiciones y manifiestan una ardua labor de búsqueda de información oral y escrita que repercute en sus crónicas, verdaderos archivos de otros discursos del periodo. En este trabajo analizo la inserción de fuentes en las historias de los franciscanos Toribio de Benavente Motolinía y Gerónimo de Mendieta. Estos frailes viajeros, misioneros e historiadores, al intentar aunar la dispersión provocada por el caos de la conquista, se convierten, durante y a raíz de su labor misionera, en frailes archivistas.