Introduction to the world and the magic of our memories

Introduction to the world and the magic of our memories

It’s my purpose to compile and arrange some selected contributions originally published in Azogue Journal since the year 2008 (concretely in my digital academic notebook “De Umbris Idearum”), which in my opinion deserve to adopt the shape of essays in the context of SHJ. These contributions have tra...

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Título de la revista: Studia Hermetica Journal
Autor: Iván Elvira
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Idioma: Español
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Tipo de recurso: Documento de revista
Fuente: Studia Hermetica Journal; Vol 1, No 2 (Año 2011).
Entidad editora: José Iván Elvira Sánchez
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Materias: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Historia
Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia
Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Filosofía
Resumen: It’s my purpose to compile and arrange some selected contributions originally published in Azogue Journal since the year 2008 (concretely in my digital academic notebook “De Umbris Idearum”), which in my opinion deserve to adopt the shape of essays in the context of SHJ. These contributions have traced for years the mainstream ways of my research activity.