New perspectives for the analysis and formalisation of specialised genres: the GENTT proposal

New perspectives for the analysis and formalisation of specialised genres: the GENTT proposal

This paper examines the role played by genre as a key conceptual and methodological tool for analysing areas of specialised communication. Special attention is given to the points of convergence between studies in linguistics and translation and those conducted in fields like Information Retrieval o...

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Translated title: New perspectives for the analysis and formalisation of specialised genres: the GENTT proposal
Journal Title: Terminàlia
Author: Isabel García Izquierdo
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Language: English
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Terminàlia; No 3 (Year 2011).
Publisher: Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Language --AMP-- Linguistics
Abstract: This paper examines the role played by genre as a key conceptual and methodological tool for analysing areas of specialised communication. Special attention is given to the points of convergence between studies in linguistics and translation and those conducted in fields like Information Retrieval or Applied Information Science on subjects related to textual formalisation. It defends a comprehensive multifaceted approach to specialised genres that allows their (semi-)automatic retrieval as well as a flexible dynamic analysis that is compatible with the circumstances of production and use.
Translated abstract: Aquest article examina el paper del gnere com a eina clau conceptual i metodolgica per a l'anlisi de les rees de comunicaci especialitzades. Es presta especial atenci als punts de convergncia entre els estudis en lingstica i traducci, i els duts a terme en camps com ara la recuperaci d'informaci o la informaci aplicada a les cincies en temes relacionats amb la formalitzaci del text. Defensa un enfocament global polidric dels gneres especialitzats que en permetria la recuperaci (semi)automtica, aix com una anlisi dinmica flexible, que s compatible amb les circumstncies de la producci i l's.