Multimedia Infographics as Journalistic Narratives and the Possibilities of Html5

Multimedia Infographics as Journalistic Narratives and the Possibilities of Html5

The article is a comparative study of multimedia infographic elaborated by the Clarí (Argentina) and, (Brazil) websites. The objective is to verify and analyze how the two important Latin American mediums of online communication have utilized HTML5 technology and its interactive possi...

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Título de la revista: Brazilian journalism research
Primer autor: Walter Teixeira Lima Junior
Otros autores: Eduardo Fernando Uliana Barboza
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Idioma: No especificado
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Tipo de recurso: Documento de revista
Fuente: Brazilian journalism research; Vol 11, No 2 English (Año 2015).
Entidad editora: Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Materias: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Comunicación
Resumen: The article is a comparative study of multimedia infographic elaborated by the Clarí (Argentina) and, (Brazil) websites. The objective is to verify and analyze how the two important Latin American mediums of online communication have utilized HTML5 technology and its interactive possibilities in journalistic narrating. The analysis will examine multimedia infographics which have gone through substantial technological changes, altering the format and content of news.  In order to understand the narrative possibilities of Flash and HTLM5 technologies for the production of interactive infographics this study will deal with the infographics section related to and Especiales Multimedia from  The study, both quantitative and qualitative, verified which narrative and informative resources, tools and Internet programming language technologies were utilized by the two mediums of communication based on the analysis model proposed by Albert Cairo in the book Infografia 2.0.