Discovering the value of tamaulipecans magueys

Discovering the value of tamaulipecans magueys

It presents information on the knowledge of maguey from the ecological point of view and its use by local communities with an emphasis in Tamaulipas. The information was obtained from literature sources, review of plant collections, interviews and field verification.

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Translated title: Descubriendo el valor de los magueyes tamaulipecos
Journal Title: CienciaUAT
First author: Jacinto Treviño-Carreón
Other Authors: Alejandro Carreón-Pérez;
Alfonso Valiente-Banuet;
Arturo Mora-Olivo
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Language: Undetermined
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: CienciaUAT; Vol 5, No 3 (Year 2011).
Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - CompartirIgual (by-sa)
Categories: Multidisciplinary --> Multidisciplinary Sciences
Abstract: It presents information on the knowledge of maguey from the ecological point of view and its use by local communities with an emphasis in Tamaulipas. The information was obtained from literature sources, review of plant collections, interviews and field verification.
Translated abstract: Se presenta información relativa al conocimiento de los magueyes desde el punto de vista ecológico y de su uso por las comunidades locales con énfasis en Tamaulipas. La información se obtuvo mediante fuentes bibliográficas, revisión de colecciones de plantas, entrevistas y verificaciones de campo.