Dura lex sed lex: the citizenship claimed on popular denouncement of iatrogeny

Dura lex sed lex: the citizenship claimed on popular denouncement of iatrogeny

Descriptive study that aimed at to analyse accusations of bad medical and nursing practicing published in newspapers of a city in the Northeast region of Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2002. We respected the principles of Resolution 196/96. We collected data from newspapers that we called “Th...

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Título de la revista: Rev Rene
Primer autor: Andréa Mendes Araújo
Otros autores: Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França;
Lorita Marlena Freitag Pagliuca;
Zaldenira Sátiro de Araújo
Palabras clave traducidas:
Idioma: No especificado
Enlace del documento: http://periodicos.ufc.br/rene/article/view/5672
Tipo de recurso: Documento de revista
Fuente: Rev Rene; Vol 4, No 2 (Año 2003).
Entidad editora: Universidade Federal do Ceará
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento (by)
Materias: Ciencias de la Salud --> Enfermería
Resumen: Descriptive study that aimed at to analyse accusations of bad medical and nursing practicing published in newspapers of a city in the Northeast region of Brazil, from January 1999 to December 2002. We respected the principles of Resolution 196/96. We collected data from newspapers that we called “The Voice of the People” and “The Citizen’s Tribune”. Charges of bad practicing were made on the nurse, on the doctor and on the health institution and involve negligence and imprudence. We concluded that the academy, health professionals and the population need acquire critical, reflexive awareness committed to the combat of bad practicing.