The concept of the New Journalism and its adaptation to narrative journalism in Spain

The concept of the New Journalism and its adaptation to narrative journalism in Spain

The New Journalism generates massive terminological confusion regarding what it represents. In general, it is usually associatedwith any stylistic innovation in journalism, which leads to numerous errors and confusion in the field of communication. As a result, specialized researchers or students do...

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Journal Title: Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales
Author: Antonio Cuartero Naranjo
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar de Estudios de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales; No 25 (Year 2017).
Publisher: Universidad CEU San Pablo
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Communication
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Film, Radio, Television
Abstract: The New Journalism generates massive terminological confusion regarding what it represents. In general, it is usually associatedwith any stylistic innovation in journalism, which leads to numerous errors and confusion in the field of communication. As a result, specialized researchers or students do not have a clear idea of what the New Journalism constitutes. In this research, we try to answer the question of what the New Journalism is, what its origins are, the time period during which this phenomenon existed, if it had any influence in Spain, and as such, whether or not we can talk about the New Journalism in Spain. In order to obtain answers, we investigated the narrative journalism phenomenon, which has given us a wider view of the issue in order to put the New Journalism in context and provide a clear classification of this phenomenon.