Analysis of scientific publications in the field of biodiesel in high impact factor journals

Analysis of scientific publications in the field of biodiesel in high impact factor journals

Biodiesel research has been encouraged by governments, companies and research institutions worldwide. Thus, this work aimed, through a systematic process, select articles published in national journals, to compose a bibliographic portfolio aligned with the theme biodiesel and analyze the profile of...

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Título de la revista: Revista Gestão & Tecnologia/Journal of Management and Technology
Primer autor: Camila Almeida Martins
Otros autores: Pedro Paulo Andrade Junior;
Diogo José Horst
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Idioma: Inglés
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Tipo de recurso: Documento de revista
Fuente: Revista Gestão & Tecnologia/Journal of Management and Technology; Vol 19, No 5 (Año 2019).
Entidad editora: Fundação Pedro Leopoldo
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Materias: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Gestión
Resumen: Biodiesel research has been encouraged by governments, companies and research institutions worldwide. Thus, this work aimed, through a systematic process, select articles published in national journals, to compose a bibliographic portfolio aligned with the theme biodiesel and analyze the profile of these publications. The work is characterized as descriptive with a qualitative and quantitative approach through bibliometric analysis. The search was conducted in the databases SCOPUS and ScienceDirect through twenty-two keywords. At first, it was obtained a total of 1030 articles in 193 journals. This number was reduced by selecting the journals with impact factor (JCR) above 2.5 (75th percentile), thus producing a total of 49 journals, containing 599 articles. The search resulted in a sample of 30 articles that make up the literature in the Scopus database and SienceDirect. The principal journals are: Energy, Energy Policy, Environmental Science and Technology, Fuel, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.