From the imperfection avant-garde aesthetic to the "fascinating fascism": idea, symbol and art as mass manipulation tools in the National Socialism aesthetic

From the imperfection avant-garde aesthetic to the "fascinating fascism": idea, symbol and art as mass manipulation tools in the National Socialism aesthetic

Nowadays, the extreme right political movements resurgence, whose success is partly consequence of some manifestations that could be considered as performative, are increasing in Europe. Employing a staging attitude to make them known, these skills are clearly used as tools into a provocative show....

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Título de la revista: Re-visiones
Autor: Javier Mateo Hidalgo
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Idioma: Inglés
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Tipo de recurso: Documento de revista
Fuente: Re-visiones; No 9 (Año 2019).
Entidad editora: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Derechos de uso: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Materias: Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Arte
Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades --> Humanidades
Resumen: Nowadays, the extreme right political movements resurgence, whose success is partly consequence of some manifestations that could be considered as performative, are increasing in Europe. Employing a staging attitude to make them known, these skills are clearly used as tools into a provocative show. In this regard, these conducts could be related to The National Socialism regime manifestation of power, among other events that took place one century ago in Europe. It should be also referred the use of art as both communication and manipulation tool regarding their political discourse. It is striking to find that these situations are taking place at present in democratic countries. This paper proposes a revision on the III Reich aesthetics, referring to some cultural elements that were used to design its own appearance. In order to do this, they deconstructed and denigrated the fragmentary components from the previous avant-garde art, to construct their new totalitarian reality.