Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

Cómo participar revistas

How to participate

Any journals wanting to join the REDIB portal must offer direct access to the full text of their content. However, a period of embargo of the most recently published issue is acceptable. As per the recommendations of various international bodies, this may not be longer than six months.


Moreover, any publications intended to participate in this project must meet quality criteria in relation to form and content.

Any journals meeting this requirements and wanting to form part of this project must follow the incorporation process detailed below.



You must fill in the following Web form with the journal details, so it can be evaluated.


Publisher-REDIB relationship

The REDIB provides a username and password to give access to Publisher Access area, where the publisher will be able to access its journal’s tab (one user/publisher per journal).


Depending on the publisher’s IT infrastructure and options, there are two possible scenarios:


Scenario 1. The publisher has, on its website, its own data provider, based on the OAI-PMH protocol. In this case, it must provide, on the application form, the URL of the OAI data provider, so that we can harvest the metadata for the documents (articles). To that end, it is necessary for the publication to have a professional scientific publishing application, such as Open Journal Systems (OJS).
In scenario 1, the REDIB will take care of gathering articles automatically from its journal’s OAI-PMH data provider.


Scenario 2. The publisher does not have, on its website, a data provider, based on the OAI-PMH protocol. In this scenario, the publisher has to enter the metadata for the documents (articles) put out using a web form in the Publisher Access area.


The issues must be entered in reverse order (most recent issues first). This will require the most updating of the issues on the REDIB (last year published). It is recommended that the content appearing in the portal match those displayed on the REDIB.



The journal undertakes to position the REDIB logo in a place on its website where it can be seen, with a link to the portal or, in its absence, a text including the link.