Augustean contexts in Augusta Emerita

Augustean contexts in Augusta Emerita

We make a brief study about the few Augustan contexts with pottery discovered in Augusta Emerita, capital of Lusitania. This year is special due to the commemoration of the Bimillenary of Augustus. We studied published and unpublished contexts in order to point out the basic features of the pottery...

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Translated title: Contextos augusteos en Augusta Emerita
Journal Title: Lucentum
Author: Macarena Bustamante Álvarez
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Language: Undetermined
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Lucentum; No XXXIII (Year 2014).
Publisher: Universitat d´Alacant - Universidad de Alicante
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Archaeology
Abstract: We make a brief study about the few Augustan contexts with pottery discovered in Augusta Emerita, capital of Lusitania. This year is special due to the commemoration of the Bimillenary of Augustus. We studied published and unpublished contexts in order to point out the basic features of the pottery used and produced in this city, built in the Augustan age. Such a work of synthesis had not been done in Mérida before.
Translated abstract: Realizamos una breve valoración de los pocos contextos cerámicos que podemos calificar como augusteos en la capital de la Lusitania, Augusta Emerita, siendo este año el momento ideal por la conmemoración del Bimilenario de Augusto. Para ello rastreamos contextos publicados e inéditos con el fin de poder establecer algunos rasgos básicos de cuáles fueron las cerámicas consumidas y producidas en esta ciudad de fundación augustea. Esta labor de síntesis hasta el momento no había sido realizada en suelo emeritense.