English for research publication purposes: The case of scholarly peer review comments

English for research publication purposes: The case of scholarly peer review comments


Bibliographic data

Translated title: El inglés y la publicación de resultados científicos: un estudio de caso de los comentarios de los revisores
Journal Title: Ibérica
First author: Javad Zare
Other Authors: Vahid Mahmoudi-Gahrouei;
Saeed Ketabi;
Zahra Keivanloo-Shahrestanaki
Palabras clave:
Traslated Keywords:
Language: English
Get full text: http://aelfe.org/documents/32_07_IBERICA.pdf
Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Ibérica; Vol 32, (Year 2016).
Publisher: Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Knowledge areas / Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Linguistics
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Language --AMP-- Linguistics

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