Multimodal Texts in Chilean English Teaching Education: Experiences From Educators and Pre-Service Teachers

Multimodal Texts in Chilean English Teaching Education: Experiences From Educators and Pre-Service Teachers

PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development

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Translated title: Textos multimodales en la formación docente en inglés en Chile: experiencias de formadores y estudiantes de licenciatura
Journal Title: PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development
First author: Miguel Farías
Other Authors: Leonardo Véliz
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Language: English
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development; Vol 21, No 2 (Year 2019).
Publisher: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial - SinObraDerivada (by-nc-nd)
Knowledge areas / Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Education --AMP-- Educational Research

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