On the relationship between Velázquez & don Juan de Córdoba after the artist’s return from his second Italian trip

On the relationship between Velázquez & don Juan de Córdoba after the artist’s return from his second Italian trip

Following Velazquez’s return from his second Italian journey he continued to maintain a close relationship with the agent Juan de Córdoba, who was entrusted with concluding the order for statues made by the painter in Rome. From this time, Córdoba shared various economic interests with Velázquez, no...

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Translated title: Sobre las relaciones de Velázquez y don Juan de Córdoba tras el regreso del segundo viaje a Italia
Journal Title: Archivo Español de Arte
Author: David García Cueto
Traslated keyword:
Language: Undetermined
Get full text: http://xn--archivoespaoldearte-53b.revistas.csic.es/index.php/aea/article/view/466
Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Archivo Español de Arte; Vol 84, No 334 (Year 2011).
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/aearte.2011.v84.i334.466
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas CSIC
Usage rights: Reconocimiento (by)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Art
Abstract: Following Velazquez’s return from his second Italian journey he continued to maintain a close relationship with the agent Juan de Córdoba, who was entrusted with concluding the order for statues made by the painter in Rome. From this time, Córdoba shared various economic interests with Velázquez, now partially revealed thanks to new documents.
Translated abstract: Tras el regreso de su segundo viaje a Italia, Diego Velázquez siguió manteniendo una estrecha relación con el agente Juan de Córdoba, quien quedó encargado de concluir el encargo de esculturas hecho por el pintor en Roma. Córdoba compartió a partir de ese momento diversos intereses económicos con Velázquez, ahora en parte desvelados gracias a nuevos documentos.