Las metáforas organizacionales

Las metáforas organizacionales

El artículo examina las tres metáforas organizacionales: la máquina, el organismo y la cultura, a fin de explicar la complejidad de las organizaciones.

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Translated title: Les metàfores organitzacionals
The organizationals metaphors
Journal Title: Papers: Revista de Sociologia
Author: Maria Teresa Ganhao
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Language: Spanish
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Resource type: Journal Article
Source: Papers: Revista de Sociologia; Vol 51, (Year 1997).
Publisher: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Usage rights: Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Categories: Social Sciences/Humanities --> Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Social Sciences/Humanities --> Sociology
Abstract: El artículo examina las tres metáforas organizacionales: la máquina, el organismo y la cultura, a fin de explicar la complejidad de las organizaciones.
Translated abstract: L'article examina les tres metàfores organitzacionals: la màquina, l'organisme i la cultura, a fi d'explicar la complexitat de les organitzacions.
Besides the recognition, in this article, of the metaphor’s importance like organizations’ heuristic tools, our aim will be centered in the three metaphors analysis: the machine, the organism and the culture. Each one of these metaphors has an explanation of limited capacity. The organization complexity can’t be understood reporting only the rational and techmical dimension, as its happens, for instance, with the mechanical explanation. Otherwise it can’t also be circumscribed to its symbolic side, like in the culture case. The understanding of the organizational reality implies the interconnection of all these metaphors. Each them apprehend different aspects of the organization, giving rise to a variety of insights, always fruitful.